Sunday, October 18, 2015

Can A Manitoba Lawyer Properly Represent Guido Amsel Without Committing Career Suicide ?

Debra Parkes 
“Clearly, it’s a high profile case,” said Debra Parkes, Faculty of Law Professor at the University of Manitoba.

The 49-year old Amsel wants a lawyer but still hasn’t found one to represent him and is now looking out of province.

Parkes says that shouldn’t be necessary.

“Winnipeg’s still a big city with many many lawyers. He should be able to find a lawyer here.”

Click here to read more about Guido Amsel's search for independent legal counsel

Respected legal scholars disagree with Professor Parkes and advise that it would be career suicide for a Manitoba lawyer to properly defend Guido Amsel before a jury.

The lawyer would be forced to argue that even if Guido Amsel did place bombs in the mail it was justifiable self defence where a corrupt and out of control legal profession working in tandem with a vindictive vengeful ex wife refused reasonable settlement offers, ruined his life for the past 15 years and were determined to take his every last penny.

A jury of private citizens, as opposed to a government paid judge who is a former lawyer, who have first hand experience with the Manitoba legal profession or who have friends and relatives who were victims of the same legal profession may very well acquit Guido Amsel on the basis that his actions will teach the legal profession to clean up its act and stop preying on the local community.

A prominent high profile defense lawyer Jay Prober said , “it was an attack on the justice system, I would certainly advocate his right to have a lawyer, but not me.”

Our reporter on the ground in Winnipeg advise that many local defence lawyers feel exactly the same way as Jay Prober. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

More Background Reveals Corruptrion In Legal Proferssion Led to Bombing

There is more information emerging that causes investigators to believe that the bombing of the Manitoba law firm that injured a Manitoba lawyer, Maria Mitousis, age 38, may have been an attempt by a victimized client to stop rampant and continuing abuse by his or her lawyers.

In what may be a telling co-incidence, the Law Society of Manitoba has released a report saying lawyer Barry Gorlick, should no longer be allowed to practice law. 

It turns out that for many years, Gorlick was the romantic partner of Maria Mitousis, the victim of the bombing attack. 

Gorlick, who was called to the bar in 1980, was cited for incidents dating from 1994 until 2014.

"We find that Mr. Gorlick engaged in years of unethical conduct that culminated in deliberate acts of misappropriation," according to the report. "He chose to take someone else's money to meet his personal commitments."

Click here to read more about disbarred lawyer Barry Gorlick

Sources in Manitoba are reporting that the bombing of Mitousis was an attempt to hurt Gorlick by injuring or killing his girlfriend in a bombing attack. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The legacy of Jack King and Lori Douglas and the growing violence against the legal profession in Canada

The alleged attempted murder of Maria Mitousis by an alleged disgruntled spouse of a client of Maria's law firm should cause all lawyers in Canada to take a cold sober look at themselves in the mirror. 

The Canadian public hate Canadian lawyers. 

The Canadian public despise Canadian lawyers.

Sure, there are some good lawyers in Canada and elsewhere, but, generally speaking, the Canadian public think Canadian lawyers are crooked, dishonest and without ethics or moral values and, generally speaking, the public have good reason to think that way about the Canadian legal profession.  

The judiciary in Canada, consisting entirely of former lawyers, are not far behind in public esteem and the politically appointed judiciary, in Manitoba, are widely regarded of the most depraved, the most dishonest, the most crooked, in Canada, due to the antics of former, now disgraced, Chief
Justice Lori Douglas
and her now deceased, perverted, husband, Jack King

It is not a mere co-incidence or accident that the latest episode of violence against a Canadian law firm was directed to the law firm of Petersen King of Winnipeg, Manitoba, where Maria Mitousis was an associate.   

Jack King, the former senior partner at Peterson King, did an excellent job discrediting the whole of legal profession and judiciary in Manitoba and his legacy lives on.   

Maybe, just maybe, perhaps probably, Guido Amsel, if he did send the bombs, had good cause, a good defence, at law, to attempt to murder someone at the law firm of Petersen King in Winnipeg, Manitoba, by sending a bomb in a package.  And, maybe, Maria Mitousis got exactly what she deserved, if not at law, then, on a karmic level, because, what goes around comes around, and the law firm of Peterson King had a nasty reputation for dirty tricks in family law cases and, surely, Maria Mitousis knew what kind of firm she was joining, surely she was not that naïve, and, if she did join Petersen King or was invited to join, was it because she had proved herself worthy elsewhere or was  it because she told the interviewer in a hiring interview that she was prepared to advance bogus and fraudulent arguments, just like Jack King did in a number of family laws cases, in Manitoba causing grief and hardship on children and parents.   

Let's face it, lawyers often do nasty things to innocent people. 

Lawyers bend, twist, pervert and break the law in order to steal property, to steal and legally kidnap children, to set one spouse fighting against another just to run up their fees.

Lawyers, not all of them but enough of them to make it a national problem, conspire with one another to cheat deceive and defraud.  

It happens a lot.

And surely, surely, at some point, a man or a woman is justified, when the law will not act, when other lawyers will not act, when the police will not act, when the politicians turn a blind eye, when the judges turn a blind eye, when the lawyers are the problem, surely a man or woman is justified in using reasonable violence to put an end to the persecution, to the malicious use of legal weaponry, and to the oppressive tactics of lawyers. 

Surely, at a certain point, the law allows the reasonable use of force to protect oneself from a criminals.

And, to be fair, the law, Criminal Code of Canada s. 34, does allow the use of reasonable force to protect a person or property and, just maybe, in the totality of the circumstances, maybe, what Guido Amsel did or is alleged to have done, when he blew the hand off Maria Mitousis, was completely justified in the circumstances.   

In Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Islamic world, a lawyer or other person who steals property has his hand cut off in a public place.  It may be gruesome and un-Western but it does send a message to others who might think that looting and stealing will go unpunished and it tends to reduce that person's ability to loot again.  

But, in Canada, unelected, politically appointed judges, many of whom are lesbians, homosexuals, paedophiles, and child molesters are taking children away from parents as part of a sick, depraved, insane plan to funnel those children into the child porn industry, the child prostitution industry and the supply of sacrificial victims to Satanists and other depraved cults and Manitoba, with its Freemason based political, legal and judicial culture, is a key player in these lucrative industries.